
minimalistic music player

amused is a music player. It doesn't have any amazing functionalities built-in, on the contrary: it's quite minimal (a fancy word to say that it does very little.) It composes well, or aims to do so, with other tools thought.

The main feature is that audio decoding runs in a sandboxed process under pledge("stdio recvfd audio"), at least on OpenBSD.


$ ftp
$ tar xzf amused-0.16.tar.gz
$ cd amused-0.16
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

It needs the following dependencies installed:

From OpenBSD 7.1 onward is available via pkg_add amused.


The usage is described in the man page amused(1), but here's a TL;DR:


amused-web(1) is a simple web UI to control amused remotely. It has optional websockets supports to automatically update the UI upon changes.

It depends only on libc (and optionally on libmd).

screenshot a web interface to control amused


There are some extra scripts in the repository to show off what can be built on top of amused.

While useful -I use them every day- these adds further dependencies and so are not installed by default.


amused-monitor is a simple TUI written in perl. It shows the current status of amused, the song being played and an excerpt from the playlist.

screenshot of a terminal emulator running amused-monitor

amused-monitor depends on p5-Curses and p5-Text-CharWidth.

To read the documentation, run perldoc amused-monitor.


amusing is a simple GUI written in Tcl/Tk. It allows to filter the playing queue and to control the playback.

screenshot of amusing featuring a search bar, the list of tracks and some buttons to control the playback